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09 January 2010

Art Thou Whovian?

I certainly am. The term Whovian, used to describe fans of Doctor Who is not new, by all means. But it sounds a lot better than Who-ligan. I mean who thought that term up? Certainly not the Doctor, I hope. Personally, I'd to include Torchwood & Sarah Jane Adventures fans with the term Children of Time. Come on, Davros was onto something...

But I digress. David Tennant's swan song The End of Time was a gut-punch and also had a nostalgic feel to it. Would you like to see a trailer? Yes? Certainly. 

And a wee spoiler; don't look at me it's already aired on BBC America...

If you pay attention to the finale, which I know you've seen already, there are little tributes to the classic series (and other familiar sci-fi treats too.) peppered all over, if you know where to look. So in that nostalgic spirit here is a video remixing every theme of the TV programmes, even the movie.

Have tissues handy...

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